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Universal Integrator

Development URL

Results interface

I was brought on to finish a project that started with another designer who made some of the interface. I made some design improvements after talking with the project director.

Design changes

I had to build the majority of the drug search and results interfaces, including plenty of jQuery/Javascript to make the interface function the way they needed.

Query builder

I worked with a UI designer to make decisions on the interface. She provided wireframes for every part of the interface.

Saved searches

I wrote a lot of the Javascript for most of the pages using jQuery. Another developer wrote the Javascript for the Query builder, which I designed and constructed.

Full record view

View the prototype

Status: Completed prototype

  • Design
  • jQuery
  • Javascript
  • Wireframes
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Photo of Brian Ritchie

Brian Ritchie

Frontend Developer
& Designer


Javascript / jQuery
Responsive / Mobile-Design
Sass / Less
Bootstrap / Foundation
Susy / Compass


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