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TraQline New Design

TraQline is a research application that provided reports on pricing for consumer products in different markets. I was hired to redesign the interface of the app to make it “sharper” and to create a redesign of the header using best practices.

TraQline Green Header

Note: This was before tools like Bootstrap were available, which would have made this process much faster today, and resonsive.

TraQline Red Header

I went through a design process where we analyzed the old interface and walked through ideas for the new interface. Here is an example of my explaination of design concepts to the client.

TraQline Original

They went through a lengthy internal decision making process before choosing the final design. Lots of ideas from different people in the company were considered.

I built the XHTML/CSS/image templates that were provided to their backend developers to incorporate into their application.

  • Design
  • UX/UI
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Photo of Brian Ritchie

Brian Ritchie

Frontend Developer
& Designer


Javascript / jQuery
Responsive / Mobile-Design
Sass / Less
Bootstrap / Foundation
Susy / Compass


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