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Sunroom Doctor

Introductory Email

Sunroom Doctor is a planned service offered by my family’s sunroom construction business.

My role

My contribution to Sunroom Doctor was centered around marketing. I helped shape the elements of the service and created a plan to communicate it to the existing customers to build a longterm relationship, as well as using the service as a selling point for new customers.

For these tasks, I studied up on Internet marketing, copywriting, SEO, Analytics, and researching various CRM applications.

Incomplete Web Mockup

They had an early logo concept sketched out. I redesigned their logo and created the first email newsletter to be sent to the existing customer base.

Logo Redesign

I used a lot of Email template best practices that I learned while working for General Electric, where creating Email templates made up a fourth of my workload.

I was planning to build a Drupal website with a design influenced by the initial Email design.

Email configuration

I configured SugarCRM, along with Postfix mail server, to send out the email campaign. I created the email template in straight XHTML and then recreated it within SugarCRM’s editor. I setup Domain Keys (DKIM) and a SPF DNS record to prevent emails from getting caught in spam filters.

Capturing Email Responses

I considered creating a custom Drupal module that would allow for the website to provide custom options for customers that responded to the Email campaign. This custom module would connect to the CRM to gather data for that customer to provide a customized presentation.

If this went forward, it would have transitioned into a customer portal interface where they could be notified of upcoming maintenance appointments and set their own maintenance schedule.

This system is something that would benefit the primary sunroom construction business as well and would be sold to other Sunroom dealers, and possibly Four Seasons corporate.

Reaching New Customers

The Sunroom Doctor service aims to cover any brand or model of sunroom. I located a JSON API provided by the local permitting office which showed recent and past construction permits. I started writing a Python tool that would track new sunroom construction in the area so we could send out a mailer introducing our maintenance service.

I had also planned to track local real estate listings for the keyword “sunroom” so we could introduce our service to those home owners or to listing agents. We would work with the listing agent to make sure the sunroom was ready for showing (no leaks, etc), and give our “seal of approval” while offering 3-6 months of free service once a home sold.

Status: In planning

  • Design
  • Marketing
  • SEO
  • Analytics
  • CRM
  • Email
  • Python
  • Drupal
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Photo of Brian Ritchie

Brian Ritchie

Frontend Developer
& Designer


Javascript / jQuery
Responsive / Mobile-Design
Sass / Less
Bootstrap / Foundation
Susy / Compass


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