Live URLI created their original website years ago and then started on a redesign in late 2014 which was unfortunately placed on the back burner.
Both sides (new and redesign) are built using Drupal. For the original design, I used Omega v3 as a base theme.
Redesign goals
For the new design, I made a new theme based on Omega v4, which was rebuilt from the ground up using modern tools such as Bower, Sass and Susy. This was the project that gave me the excuse to start using Sass in my projects.
For this redeign, I looked at other markets to see how projects were being presented. I was borrowing ideas from Car Manufacturers and New Home construction. The redesign was intended to place focus on sunroom photos, with embedded HTML5 video being added later to show walkthroughs or short clips of people enjoying their sunroom.
It was clear that Sunrooms, as a product, benefitted greatly from a visual presentation. Unfortunately, most sunroom construction websites fall very far behind on design trends. If this design worked well, we considered the possibility of offering this site layout to other sunroom dealers.
Custom Applications
We had ideas for building Email campaigns and combining that with a customer portal interface. This idea was born from the sister business, Sunroom Doctor, which offered maintenance and repair service. There are more details on that project page.
The Drupal site runs on Linux with Nginx, MySQL, PHP5 FPM, and a couple Bash scripts for backup and maintenance.
My development environment includes a Virtualbox instance setup to be as similar as possible to the production server.
The project will resume as a side project when the client is ready to move forward with it.
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