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ITBE Community Site

Live URL

IT Business Edge

An IT information portal with newly-added community features provided by Jive Clearspace (a Java-based community platform).

I was part of a small team that worked on implementing the newest version of Jive Clearspace. The base design was provided by the client.

I built the frontend interface using the Freemarker-based template system. I used jQuery for DOM manipulation. Some existing elements of the site used the Protoype JS library, so I made sure jQuery did not conflict with that.

We used an agile Scrum approach to development and SVN for version control and communicated daily with the client and the San Francisco headquarters.

Time on project: 3 months

  • Theming
  • jQuery
  • Javascript
  • Eclipse
  • SVN
  • Agile
  • Scrum
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Photo of Brian Ritchie

Brian Ritchie

Frontend Developer
& Designer


Javascript / jQuery
Responsive / Mobile-Design
Sass / Less
Bootstrap / Foundation
Susy / Compass


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